Microsoft office excel 2007 there was a problem sending the command to the program free download.Excel - There was a problem sending the command to the program

Right click on a file with the type or extension that wants to change its associated application program. An Open Microsoft office excel 2007 there was a problem sending the command to the program free download window will appear.

Choose a program to open the kind of file from the list of programs available. By default, Recommended Programs is automatically expanded. However, there is more detected programs in the section of Other Programs, which can be expanded to select by clicking on Down Arrow at the end of the separator line.

If the program that want to used as the default program does not found, click Browse to select an executable file manually. If you do not have issues with any other application, then I would suggest you to post the issue in Office discussion forums for better results. I hope this information helps. Please get back to us if you have any more questions about this issue.

Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback. I have windows 7 with word and I ran into a DDE problem where I could not open exsisting documents without Word already being open.

I would double click the document and get "There was a problem sending the command to the program". Essentially, as far as I can reckon, it was hiccuping at the point where DDE openned the new instance of Word before sending the open commend.

My understanding is that I am telling word to open a new instance of word with each double click None of the above works for me.

I wasted whole day trying to fix this stupid problem. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.

I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Previous Next. Ronald K. Hello Welcome to Microsoft Answers Forum! To assist you better, please let us know the details mentioned below: a Does the same issue persist with any other application?

Select Properties on right click context menu. In the General tab, click on Change button. Click OK button. I would suggest you to visit the below mentioned link, where the customer had similar issue. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. In reply to Ironfeliks23's post on April 22, Sad to say, this did not work for me. I am very perplexed! Is there a simpler solution than going spelunking in the Windows Registry?

I had the same problem in Word and Excel. Here is what solved both problems. Delete the Word Data registry key Most of the frequently used options in Word are stored in the Word Data registry key. A common troubleshooting step is to delete the Word Data registry key. The next time that you start Word, Word rebuilds the Word Data registry key by using the default settings.

To view these options in Word or Wordclick Options on the Tools menu. Note When you delete the Word Data registry key, Word resets several options to their default settings. One such option is the "most recently used file" list on the File menu. Additionally, Word resets many settings that you customize in the Options dialog box.

To delete the Word Data registry key, follow these steps: Exit all Office programs. Click Startclick Runtype regeditand then click OK. In reply to CardSolve's post on July 16, There's got to be another way. My symptoms are identical but none of the above corrected the problem. This is very irritating.

I can't believe they call this an improvement. I'm afraid to look at Can somone convince me that I shouldn't? In reply to dwwhitaker's post on July 20, I am having the same problem.

VERY frustrating! In reply to kenix1's post on July 21, After trying the procedures above, I finally figured it out. Stefan Blom MVP. In reply to DiscipleOfJesus's post on August 21, Seems like a drastic step In reply to Stefan Blom's post on August 22, This site in other microsoft office excel 2007 there was a problem sending the command to the program free download x.

Microsoft office excel 2007 there was a problem sending the command to the program free download.Excel: There was a problem sending the command to the program

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